Making the decision if personal golf lessons are right for you shouldn’t be that difficult.
Even if you are only a recreational golfer that plays once a month, getting the lessons will at least give you a better perspective. And who knows what you will learn about yourself in the process. Golf has this funny way of changing peoples lives and always for the better. Matter of fact, I have never in my lifetime, ever heard anyone say they should have not taken up the game.
The major thing you have to take into consideration in this is what are your goals. Most times people are wanting only wanting to learn how to play better and have more fun at recreational golf. That’s great as, we as PGA and LPGA Professionals are all for that. We want you to get better.
I know what I posted below is a lot of information, the main reason I put this into an outline, is to help you make the decision on where you want to go with your golf game and lessons. Having this key piece of information will ultimately determine how you plan upon taking golf lessons.
Here is a simple outline, to help you determine the things to consider in making your decision. First let us find out what type of golfer you are.
* Recreational
This is the highest concentration of golfers worldwide. And it includes the following categories that either do or don’t belong to men’s clubs, ladies clubs, singles groups, junior groups.
1. Retired
2. Families
A. Couples
B. Parents – Children
C. Siblings
D. In- Laws
3. Friends
A. Life Long
B. Neighbors
4. Private Groups
A. Singles Groups
B. Couples Group
* Recreational / Business
1. Includes any or all of the above and…
2. Co-Workers
3. Clients
4. Churches, etc
* Business
1. Co-Workers
2. Clients
3. Fraternal Organizations
4. Networking Groups
5. Vendors
6. Charitable Organizations
* Competitive
Serious golfers with high aspirations.
1. Educational
a. Junior Tours
b. High School
c. College
2. Amateur
a. Any Educational Groups
b. Those who play local amateur club events
c. Those who play in regional amateur events
d. Those who play in national amateur events
3. Professionals
PGA and LPGA Member Professionals who are
a. Golf Course Administrators
b. Local Head Professional
c. Teaching Professionals
d. Those working elsewhere in the indusrty
e. Non-Affiliated Professionals (Un-carded)
Competitive Venues for Professionals and some Amateurs
I. Mini – Tours
a. Local
b. Regional
c. National events
II. National Tours
a. Larger Mini Tours that travel from state to state
III. Worldwide Tours
a. PGA Tour and all Affiliated tours
b. LPGA Tour and all Affiliated Tours
I am sure you may have already figured this out. But if not, at least now you have seen what the world of golf from a players perspective looks like, you have a better idea of what level of instruction you want to lean towards. Golf is a game and activity that will last you for a lifetime. From a personal perspective I have been playing coming upon 50 years now, and I have my father and uncles to thank for that. Golf has given me a joy that is indescribable, I have never ever regretted learning, playing, teaching, or working within the golf industry, and for that I am very grateful.
From a Professional perspective and having taught for some 30 years now, I cannot tell you how many times I have heard someone say to me they wish they had taken up the game, gotten lessons, and started playing sooner. Most have wished they had taken lessons from the onset of beginning to play, and realize that because of that decision they missed out on a lot of fun and had to replace and unlearn some unwanted habits with a more solid foundation.
My greatest suggestion is to take an hour or so of time and go speak with your Local PGA or LPGA Professional, get answers for yourself as to the best way to proceed and begin playing golf. I will also advise you of this, make sure you talk to your local professional before purchasing any clubs. And ask them to tell you why you should take lessons over buying golf clubs first. You can do that or you can read through my other posts and find out why. But I will let you know that when getting golf clubs before lessons you are sort of putting the cart before the horse. And in the end run your wallet will suffer for it.
Until next time, hit em long, straight, and as few times as possible. Happy golfing and have a great day
Robb Nunn
PGA Professional
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