Golf Nutrition

Golf Nutrition for Adults
A complete guide specific to golf nutrition for busy adults. Starting with the basics and working up to optimizing nutrition explicitly to your needs with the aim of supercharging your performance on the golf course. The complete system Includes an ebook, videos and audios.
Golf Nutrition for Adults

Nutrition for sports is certainly not exclusionary, but there are some who may think so. Most recently in wanting to change my own personal nutritional habits, I decided to do some research. Needless to say, I ran across more than a few nutritional systems that one could consider were favored only towards one sport or another.

Now while I do understand the need for a sport specific nutrition, I decided to try something different. I figured what the heck, maybe there is something in here that I am currently lacking, and if it can help boost my endurance on the golf course then perfect. So I went with one that was designed for both moderately physically exertion, but also a fast paced sport. You won’t believe the one that I found, and the results that it gave me.

But you can find out by clicking the link below
Golf Nutrition for Adults

Thinking out of the box is cool. In this case, the endurance that I received came in a fashion I would have never expected, and my body is loving me for the change. In my most recent example, I decided to only eat what was on the new menu from the new system. Here is just a sample of the results below.

My day started at about 6:30 and after my normal morning routine, I munched down my breakfast which was about one third of my normal calorie intake. Amazingly I wasn’t hungry after what I had eaten and I was surprised, really surprised.
After breakfast I went to a couple of short meetings, then headed to the golf course to give a couple of lessons.

Remembering to pick up my mid morning snack from the store, I nibbled it on on the way to the Golf Course. Upon arriving, I decided to hit some balls first as I was early, so I hit about 70 balls. Then my first lesson showed up and we were there for an hour. My second lesson showed up and off to the course we went for a playing lesson, that lasted about an hour and I came back to hit balls and practice. On the way back to the range I decided to eat lunch using the new system. Not that I really needed one, more that I just wanted something new to try.

So I had lunch then decided to hit some more balls and finished off another 150 balls. The golf course was not busy at all, so I decided to go out to play some, trying this new move I am working on. I played 9 holes and shot 34 (thank you very much) and was so focused I had a hard time believing how intense I was at firing shots at the pin. It hasn’t happened in a while for me, but WOW did I have fun. So I came back in, gave another lesson, hit some balls, then played another 9 holes shooting 35 this time. Man I was having a great day here.

I ate my mid afternoon snack from my new menu and then back to giving lessons for the next 4 hours. I finally ate dinner when I got home which was about 8:00 pm. I wasn’t really hungry and was still totally energized from what I had been eating through the day. Actually the only reason I ate was because of the promise I made to stick to the menu no matter what.

I went to bed about 1 am that night and was up at 8 the next day. I repeated this menu with only slight variations of mid morning and afternoon snacks for the next week. The results were tremendous, I lost 7 pounds…that’s one pound per day and it was all because of this new menu I was eating from.

So if you are looking for a new menu system that works and I know it works, then go here and get this one. You will be surprised. Click the link below and get more information.
Golf Nutrition for Adults

Until next time, Hit em long straight and as few times as possible, Happy golfing and have a Great Day.
Stay tuned for more and I’ll see you on the lesson tee.

Robb Nunn
PGA Professional

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