Golf Lessons

Golf Lessons


Many golfers today have spent many years looking for the most luxurious golf equipment used by professional golfers. They always observe how the best golfers in the world strike golf ball after golf ball, with laser-like precision and power. One common question most golfers have in their mind is how professional golfers can do this. What are their secrets?


Is a Golf Lesson Necessary?

The first thing a pro looks at is the way you stand to the ball. The golf swing is basically a chain of reactions, the better your stance, the easier it is to swing the club correctly. Subtle changes to the address position can have a dramatic impact on the swing and the pro will be looking at the golfers grip, posture and aim to see if there are any small changes that will help. Having a lesson is rather like someone seeing a doctor because they generally don’t feel well.. After one or two checks the doctor will mostly be interested in the life style of the patient and in many circumstances will suggest a new diet or some exercise. These are slight changes that may have a dramatic affect on the patient’s health. He certainly won’t suggest immediate open-heart surgery. Professional golfers know that a small change to your grip or stance will make significant changes to your entire game.


Don’t follow your friends when they say: “Golf Lessons are useless”.

One of the major reasons for amateur golfers not having lessons is their friends have asked advice from a pro and have not improved. But in most cases this is because the pupil has not had enough confidence to make the suggested change. ‘How can a minor alteration to the grip stop my big loop’? Then they have an opinion: ‘The Pro must be wrong, it can’t be that simple’.The pupil might try to make the change for a few rounds but soon the advice becomes buried beneath the mass of tips from the latest magazine. It’s natural, after all, how many people actually change their lifestyles after seeing the doctor.


Golf Lessons make perfect sense

The key factor to seeing an improvement from coaching lies in the attitude of the pupil. If they are willing to follow the suggestions made by the pro they will get the benefits. But just as in getting used to a new diet or lifestyle change there is usually a period of adjustment and the change itself takes time.


Until Next time, hit em long straight and as few times as possible on the golf course. Happy Golfing and Have a great day.

Robb Nunn
PGA Professional.

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