PGA Magazine – Jan 2013
Teaching Teachers
HI All well it has certainly been a while since I posted anything here so let’s get something going for the new year.
Good things have already been taking place for 2013. I was graced with the opportunity to have an article published in PGA Magazine. The editors titled it “Teaching Teachers”. Click and read it here.
Most of you will find it pretty interesting as it deals with a segment of teaching that I have kept a pretty Quiet Mind on. Go take a look and read the article.
In other news, I stumbled across something that I noticed in a video that basically equates to a main secret to the success of Ben Hogan, Moe Norman, and quite a few other PGA and LPGA Tour Players. It has to do with a certain position attained just prior to impact. While I am going to talk about it here, I am only going to reveal it to those of you who book a lesson. Now why would I do that? Because it is something better demonstrated than just talked about and, I can’t get you into the correct position unless I show you. So here it is.
It is one of the PRIMARY positions that creates a tremendous amount power … and accurate ball flight. NO it is not what everyone else has already talked about or is already trying to get you to understand, that is only half the answer. In analyzing the results this position produces, I can already tell you, it is actually far more critical than what has been discussed by many others.
Any PGA Professional will verify that correct positioning plays a critical role in how well you end up delivering the club face back to square at impact. Most, if not everyone, at some point in time, forget how things work mechanically within the golf swing. Luckily we have this thing in our brain called the Basil Ganglia. The Basil Gangilia portion of the brain can be most compared to the hard drive in your computer. And we all know that no hard drive in a computer means no computer.
Amazingly so, your brain operates relatively the same as everyone else’s does when it comes to using your hard drive or memory banks. I hear the statement of “Muscle Memory” a lot, to me it is both a overused and also a largely misunderstood improper statement. Relatively speaking there is no such thing as muscle memory. Muscles don’t remember anything, it is the Basil Ganglia that stores the information and remembers what neurons are fired that are needed to be done to accomplish a specific task. The Basil Ganglia is basically what your subconscious is and where it pulls the information from.
So why do I say this. Well let’s look at some simple and practical things here.
Yep here we go with the simple questions again. You know me, I do this a lot when it comes to most of my life but especially when it comes to swinging a golf club.
1. How is it possible for the basil ganglia pull the information from the muscle?
2. If there was such a thing as muscle memory, then why would we need a basil ganglia and more so, how would the brain and body remember when and where to store that information for retrieval?
3. To complicate this process of thought, why would our bodies and memory be designed to recall information needed from a certain part of the body only to decipher it and return it back to the same part of the body before we acted? That question in itself makes me wonder that if this were the case then why would we need a memory for action.
I know I know, pretty far out there isn’t it. The fact still remains that if you don’t break down the fundamental question about muscle memory, and how it works to make you maintain the swing you choose, then how is it possible to make any physical movement at all let alone swing a golf club without the Basil Ganglia initiating the sequence and being the CEO of the Brain?
Sorry, I got a little off track for the article. Back to our original conversation about the secret position I was speaking of. So I was doing some in depth research of specific positions that were being accomplished by some of the greatest players and ball strikers in golf both past and present. I found another one of my lately favorite terms come into play, “COMMON DENOMINATOR”.
Well I have found a few of these simple common denominators out and the results are astounding WHEN, you put them into practice and play. So if you want to find out more about these simple common denominators I am speaking of, log in to your account and book a lesson. 2013 is here and we are on the path to making your golf swing and golf game better.
You are going to find another big surprise once you are here, and we discuss it, and insert it into your golf swing. It truly brings into play one of those AHA moments and makes the light bulb glow brighter and your golf swing get better and more consistent.
If you haven’t done so already, make sure that you go read my article in PGA Magazine.
Until the next time, hit em long, straight, and as few times as possible while on the golf course. Happy Golfing and Have a Great Day.
Robb Nunn
Founder / PGA Professional
Golf Equation Swing Academy