Golf Lessons 4 Kids

This is the first post in a series on Golf Lessons 4 Kids

So your wanting to give your child golf lessons.  Or maybe your child wants golf lessons without any prompting for you.

In either case do yourself and your child a HUGE FAVOR…Take lessons with them and at the same time.  Getting the lessons can be done is the following fashions, Family Group, Individually, Or in a Local Junior Camp or on going junior group at your club.

Again, my best suggestion is to get lessons at the same time.  Here’s are some tips to look out for and reasons why as listed below.

  1. Speak to your pro, find out his experience and desire at teaching children.  Why experience and desire, because there are teachers who choose not to work with kids.
  2. Here is another thing to find out, ask the Head Professional if the people working at his facility have all had a “Live Scan” background check done.  In one of my recent positions, and due to a federal employee requirement, I was mandated to do so and I was fine with that, most people are.  But it never hurts to be safe.  I know that should I ever be in that position of ownership or management, it will be a requirement for any teachers working for me.

Some of the main reasons for taking lessons with your children will be covered in the later posts, but for now, just know of the benefits derived for Family, Educational, Recreational, Business, and Competitive natures. Then again, I am sure you already know this will benefit all concerned or you wouldn’t even be considering the opportunity.

Until next time, hit em long, straight and as few times as possible, Happy golfing and have a great day!
For more information you may contact Robb via

Robb Nunn
PGA Professional