What’s Your Number

HI Everyone

What’s your number, by this I mean one of two things… what is your handicap or what is your average score.
Golf being the game that it is, we as golfers are always looking for ways to lower our handicap and score. One of the first ways to do this is to work really hard on your short game.

Golf is a game of numbers. We have either 9 holes or 18 holes in a round of golf. Of those 9 or 18 holes we have an average of 2 putts per hole, that in itself should give you the indication that your putting game will consume more than 50% of your strokes. And all of this is very common knowledge. Yet I continue to see golfer after golfer after golfer come to me wanting to learn the DRIVER.

This is great that you want to learn how to hit it straighter and longer. But in the mean time, until you do, learn how to hit it straighter and longer, get to know the shots that will save your shots on your score card. Another way to look at this is, what good will it do you to hit is longer and straighter if you can’t chip or putt. The evidence is very clear on this, the difference between top amateurs and tour players is not in how long they hit it. It is how straight they hit it and how quickly they can get up and down if they miss the green.

There are millions of golfers that can hit a really long way, but there are all over the place and that results in higher scores. I cannot stress the importance of focusing your attentions to learning these two things about your swing.

1. How to hit is straight
2. Being able to get it up and down in two from anywhere inside of 50 – 100 yards.

IF you are having a problem getting the ball in the hole in two or three shots at most from immediately around and on the green, you are doing your self a huge dis-service and only making your own game very frustrating. As this is where the scoring really counts and where the money is won. All you have to do is ask a tour player who has lost a playoff or missed a chip or putt on one of the final holes of a tournament.

The end result here is this…The most important part of YOUR game is in YOUR short game. Learn it well, practice it more, and your scores will go down very quickly. Another thing that goes with this is… it builds your confidence and takes pressure off you when you need it most.

If you are not spending at least 30% of your practice time in the short game, you are setting yourself up for frustration. Here is another thing about practicing your short game. It costs a lot less to practice your short game, you can always find a place to putt for free, and the money you save on hitting range balls can be used for playing an extra round of golf or two.

If you practice your short game one day per week by chipping and putting versus hitting balls, you can pay for one round of golf even if that round is only during twilight pricing.

So do yourself the favor of practicing more on your short game and learning how to hit the ball straight. You will be glad you did.

Until next time, hit em long, straight, and as few times as possible on the golf course. Happy Golfing and Have a Great Day. I’ll see you on the lesson tee. Why not get yourself signed up for my emails and newsletters, anything that is sent to you is only sent by me directly.

Robb Nunn
PGA Teaching Professional
Founder Golf Equation Swing Academy.

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